“Creativity has the power to transform communities one person at a time.”
I envision a future:
where every individual has access to creative community; where creative community is the norm.
where each individual isn't viewed through a metric of what they can produce, but who they are, uniquely.
where the narratives that we tell ourselves are ones of inherent value, respect, appreciation, and care.
that all of us would want to age into together.
So when I think about the future – the one we would all want to age into together that's founded, protected and supported by a network of creative community – I think of the earth, the soil that can support that. So how do we build this fertile landscape?
Read on to learn about how I’m doing that.
Photo by Ray Cleveland
Hello! My name is Magda Kaczmarska and I’m a dance artist, master teacher and creative-aging advocate.
I’m an active proponent of engaging in dance across the life span in order to support mental, physical and social health. I leverage my dual background in neuropharmacology and dance to develop evidence-based practices for creative aging for older adults with dementia and cognitive impairment. I’m interested in building bridges between the academic, medical and arts sectors in order to support others’ discovery and delight in their own creative expression while building meaningful connection and community.

Read about key topics I explore and present in public talks, webinars, conferences and in publications.
Learn about my classes, workshops and one-on-one practice and consultations.
View and engage in my multi-disciplinary performance work and learn about the collaborations in which I participate.