Creative Aging is founded on the idea that the “golden age” of life is a time of rich experience and celebration of life, rather than a time of restriction and retreat.


Opening windows through dance

As a dancer and teaching artist working in the field of creative aging, I have dedicated my career to supporting individual and community expression through the art of dance.

Creative aging in itself is a radical act which counters ageism and ableism.

It invites us to recognize the beauty in all types of bodies and minds and amplify their experiences and voices over their life course through creative expression.


What frames my foundation in this work is the idea that dance is for the people and with the people. It is a profound vehicle to connect to self and to community.

My years of work with diverse older adults have illuminated to me in experience and observation that engaging in dance as we age invigorates and challenges our minds, physically makes us more adaptive to our environments and trusting of our bodies in spaces and lifts our spirits while building new and meaningful communities.

As one participant in a program coordinated in San Francisco through the Memory and Aging Center at UCSF, “This opens my window.”