“Placing our Brain Health into our hands and into our bodies.”
Brain Health and the Arts go hand in hand!
Watch this video of Dr. Bruce Miller, Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professor in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco speak about the importance of arts in brain health.
Dr. Miller directs the UCSF Memory and Aging Center and is a director of the Global Brain Health Institute.
Why is Brain Health Important?
Brain health is often on our mind. But have you wondered what it is exactly that we can do to support our brain health?
Join dancer, researcher and creative aging teaching artist, Magda Kaczmarska, for an interactive workshop on how dance, movement and creativity help make us stronger, more adaptive and engaged in the world around us. Together, we will learn about the brain across the life course and try out some activities we can do that sharpen our brain.
All are welcome! We will move together, so wear something comfortable. All activities can be done seated or standing.
Supporting education and community dialogue around these topics is pivotal to promoting agency in brain health across the lifespan for all.
Contact us today to learn how you can bring a Brain Health Salon to your community!
What people are saying about Brain Health Salons and Brain Health Socials
“In all my years of meetings and conferences, Brain Health Social was by far the most engaging, fun, and informational. Today I found myself quickly walking with a bounce in my step. All my activities today took on new meaning and importance!”
“I am always looking for joy and for things to look forward to so that difficulties don’t weigh me down. There was so much love in the room with you and everyone else. [After today’s session], I brought our Bose down to the kitchen so I can listen to music and start to dance around the house like I did before. ”
“You make people feel better about themselves, something I always need.”
“I had the most wonderful time yesterday. It was all effortless and made me realize I had been leaving some joys out of my life. Thank you for arranging such life-enhancing happenings for us.”
We are honored to have offered Brain Health Salons in communities around the United States and the world!
Join us for these upcoming events!
Upcoming Brain Health Salons will be announced here. Check back regularly to learn more or email magda@dancestreamprojects.com to request a Brain Health Salon in your commun